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Nástroje čiastočnej modernizácie a dokumenty na stiahnutie

Nástroje čiastočnej modernizácie a dokumenty na stiahnutie

Nástroje modulárnej modernizácie a dokumenty na stiahnutie

Materiály modernizácie elektroinštalácie

KONE ReGenerate™ 800

A high-performance solution for elevators in high-rise buildings that help you maintain your building’s status as a prime property within your market.

KONE ReGenerate™ 200 and 400

A comprehensive controller and hoisting elevator modernization improves safety, accessibility and minimizes lifetime costs.

KONE ReSolve™ 800

A complete drive and electrification modernization solution for elevators in high rise buildings. Modernization with KONE ReSolve 800 improves reliability, safety and energy-efficiency.

KONE ReSolve™ 200 and 400

Modernizing the elevator hoisting brings reliability, accessibility and safety benefits – and can be done in only 5 days.

Materiály modernizácie pohonu

KONE Hoisting MR12/17

The KONE MR12 and MR17 hoisting units are designed for modular modernization of elevators in residential, small hotel and small office buildings. These hoisting units have been designed to minimize installation time.

Materiály modernizácie výťahovej kabíny

KONE ReFresh™

KONE ReFresh is a quick and easy way to upgrade the appearance of your elevator. This elevator car modernization solution has been developed to integrate smoothly with existing installations.

KONE Materials & accessories

Our materials and accessories guide provides handy tips on creating the perfect custom elevator design for your building and details our extensive range of materials and accessories.

KONE Car interior design themes

The KONE Design Collection is a set of inspiring elevator car interiors created by KONE’s award-winning design team. Browse our design themes and get tips on choosing the right design.

Materiály modernizácie výťahovej signalizácie


design signalization modernization solution

KONE KSS210 Signalization

This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.

KONE KSS280 signalization

Our functional signalization family for residential buildings combines simple features, good visibility, and easy accessibility with sophisticated design.

KONE KSS420 Signalization

This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.

KONE KSS430 Signalization

This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.

KONE KSS570 Signalization

This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.

KONE KSS670 Signalization

This surface-mounted signalization solution is designed to reduce energy consumption in residential and commercial buildings.

KONE KSS970 Signalization

This flush-mounted signalization solution is designed for use in residential and commercial buildings.

KONE KSS800 and KSS900 signalizations

Available options for destination and car operating panels, elevator identifiers, destination indicators, and landing devices for KONE KSS800 and KSS900 signalization.

Materiály modernizácie automatických dverí

KONE ReNova™ elevator doors

Modernizing the elevator door system with KONE ReNova improves the safety, performance and reliability of the doors. This can also be an ideal opportunity to upgrade aesthetics as well as accessibility for your passengers.


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